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I served in the Air Force.
The pride I felt serving my country every day while I was in the service and the opportunities it led me to find once I completed my term.
I think that my time in the military left me with a wide range of talents such as leadership, drive, and confidence that I can accomplish my goals.
My biggest passion is being outdoors and connecting with nature. My favorite activities would be kayaking, soccer, white water rafting, or snow skiing.
I work with my hands all day. There are times where my body is sore from a long day’s work. CBD oils and salves help me relax and relieve pain while I recuperate for the next day.
CBD helps me with pain and relaxing. I see myself continuing to implement CBD products in my everyday life.
Veterans have the potential to be influential in the CBD movement. We’ve gone through a lot that most people don’t understand. CBD can alleviate a lot of the symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. By bringing CBD to the forefront of the conversation, we can help to break the stigma of using cannabis for health and wellness.
The priceless moments I spend with my family.
I would go back and teach myself to not limit myself. I would have never held myself back on anything I set my mind to. Who knows.. maybe I could have practiced enough and have been a professional soccer player.
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