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Thank you for your interest in learning more about our BOG1 Hero Program. All heroes must provide proof of qualifying hero status and fill-out a short application to have their status approved. As part of our privacy protection policy, we humbly request that any sensitive information contained within the relevant hero eligibility documentation, such as a social security number, be redacted prior to uploading and submitting for our approval. Our goal is merely to ascertain the validity of one’s service tenure, in order to ensure our heroes are adequately rewarded, while mitigating any unnecessary risk to sensitive information. If you have any questions or concerns surrounding our BOG1 Hero Program, please do not hesitate to reach out to our BOG1 Hero Team at: CS@SAFEHARBOURWELLNESS.COM . Qualifying Hero Status documentation includes:
The Safe Harbour Wellness team will review your document uploads and notify you once your hero status has been confirmed.
We offer two distinct paths to becoming a BOG1 Hero. Reference the short description of each option below and select which path is of interest to you.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Safe Harbour BOG1 HERO program, highlighting America’s True Heroes, Veterans, Firefighters, First Responders, Law-Enforcement and Active Military.
Becoming one of our BOG1 HEROES means a whole lot to us, but we truly hope we can offer you something meaningful and worthwhile in return. We look forward to reviewing your application and want to thank you again for your service to our communities and our country.